Valley Frisbee Games 2015
Die Freundinnen und Freunde aus Veenendaal in den Niederlanden veranstalten am 27. September 2015 ein DDC und Guts Turnier! Hans hat freundlicherweise extra nochmal eingeladen, hier die Ausschreibung:
Hi German and Belgian DDC and Guts Fanatics,
we gladly invite you to come and play our Open Dutch Championships in DDC and Guts. We organise this event in combination as a part of the Valley Frisbee Games on the 27th of september.
We play DDC starting in the morning at around 9.45, registration will be open from 9.00. DDC will finish early to give players the opportunity to also subscribe teams for Guts 3 on 3, which will be played in the afternoon. You can also play Accuracy or something during that time.
State your interest by sending an e-mail to Let us know you would like to play, who are in your teams and what your teamname is. If you can give us an idea on how strong you are at DDC, that would help us to make a tight schedule.ABOUT VALLEY FRISBEE GAMES
Valley Frisbee Games is a tournament for 300 Junior Ultimate Championships in 3 divisions. There are also Dutch Championships in MTA, TRC, Accuracy, DDC and GUTS.COSTS
Entering DDC or GUTS costs 8 euros per player. Entering both tournaments might be possible, depening on how many teams we get. Normally, DDC will finish around 14.30 or so. That gives you time for your travels home.
Aus Deutschland steigt man am besten in Duisburg in den ICE 124 nach Utrecht Centraal, und von da aus fährt man dann weiter nach Veenendaal Centrum.
Mehr Infos gibt’s außerdem auf Facebook!
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